Thursday, February 03, 2005

"Here, Bozo...."

I don't know what to title this post so I'll have to go back and fill in that field later.

I got a job. It's a temp job (through Manpower) that starts tomorrow and runs through March 31st. There is a chance that I could be hired. On the other hand, it's only a two month assignment so if I hate it I'll be out of there soon enough. What is this fabulous job, you ask? Well, I'm going to be an imaging specialist (read- I'm going to be taking staples out of documents and preparing them for scanning). Woo hoo! There's my degree working for me, eh? I'll be getting paid a whopping $8.15/hr as well! Woo!!! Thank you, Marywood University, for preparing me for the real world.

I guess you can say I'm just a little bitter. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the job and the money that will accompany it. I'm just angry that after working so hard to do well and finish my degree I'm stuck doing work that a cute little monkey could do. "Here, Bozo... take the staple out of the paper. Good, good... now put it in this pile over here... Great!" I feel like a failure (read- I feel like a failure). I know I'll find something better sooner or later, but those of you who know me well know that I do not deal well with uncertainty. Bleck...

Having said all that... today is my last day to nap during the afternoon, so that's what I'm planning on doing. After I get done working I'm going to haul ass home, grab all three of my cats and cuddle up with Mr. Gordo for one last rendezvous. One good thing about not having a job is that you have oodles of time to nap. I'll miss napping.

Now for something completely different...
I think I posted that Josh and I have been getting to the Y really consistently lately. I think we've been there at least 5 times a week for the past 3 weeks. Yesterday I was able to run 2 miles without wanting to die. They weren't very quick... the first one I ran in 10:54 and the second one I ran in 10:31. Nonetheless, I'm really happy about the progress I've made.

I know what I'm going to title this entry.

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