Wednesday, July 20, 2005

One Year Together

My husband puts me to shame. We celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this past Sunday (July 17th) and he has since started posting a picture/entry per day as a sort of anniversary celebration on his blog. I, on the other hand, have not posted one thing about our anniversary or about our first year of marriage.

Some people say that your first year of marriage is typically the worst. During this time you are expected to learn to live with each other… to sort out money matters and to decide who's going to do what around the house. During the first twelve months of marriage you’re supposed to get an in-depth look at your spouse, figure out how he/she functions, and learn what he/she likes/does not like.

My first year of marriage has been wonderful.

Maybe we got it all figured out early… I don’t know. All I can say is that I’m happy. I’m as content as I could be with life. I love waking up in the morning knowing that I’m going to get to spend the day with Josh. I love getting ready for bed at night knowing that Josh is doing the same and that I’m going to get to spend the following eight hours lying beside him.

So, here’s to us, Grumpy Bear. This past year has been amazing. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you *=

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